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Skeletal Muscles

The great range and variety of functions served by skeletal muscles can be suggested by naming just four: the diaphragm, used in breathing; the muscles that make the eye wink; the deltoid muscle that gives the shoulder its shape; and the tongue.

Skin, Hair and Nails

Perhaps no other organ of the human body receives so much attention both from its owner and the eyes of others as the skin and its associated structures - hair and nails.

The Brain - Cerebrum

What we usually mean by "brain" is that part of the brain called the cerebrum. It is the cerebrum that permits us all our distinctly human activities - thinking, speaking, reading, writing.


All children have accidents and injure themselves.


If fears are often legitimate and usually outgrown through reassuring experiences, phobias are deep-seated unconquerable fears.

From the Author: Fernando Lachica

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NOVUHAIR®, the country’s leading natural hair loss solution supports the nation in highlighting the importance of healthy and balanced nutrition amidst the ongoing health crisis.


NOVUHAIR® partnered with Chefy Wifey’s Kitchen and cooked up something, literally. Consistent with the brand’s advocacy, the “Food for the Hair” mini-program shall offer four (4) video demo episodes on how to prepare practical, nutritious and easy-to-do meals at home, focusing on ingredients that support healthy hair and prevent hair loss.

The initial episode features VIP Nutrition Coach Michelle Co-Huertas’ Chicken Afritada with Boiled Egg, a Filipino staple recipe loaded with nutrients and vitamins essential in achieving the best hair growth goal.


Chefy Wifey’s Kitchen prepared with TLC 100 packs and donated them to the hospital medical staff of the Philippine General Hospital in the city of Manila.